VisionTECH Registration

LODGING: Reserve your rooms now Call the Wilderness Hotel at 1 800 867 9453 to receive the special room rates starting at $120 plus fees. Please state you are with the Lennox Vision Tech 2024 at Glacier Canyon Lodge, leader #987724. Rooms must be book before March 4th to receive the discounted rate.

Please provide the following information to register and receive your free membership gift!
(all fields are required, unless marked otherwise.)

Company, Technical College,
High School, or Military Name:
I'm planning on interviewing for a job:
What location would you
like to work in?:
Lennox Dealer number (if you have one):
Attendee's Name (Full Name)
(One person per registration):
Office Phone #:
Cell Phone #:
Your Email Address:
Shirt Size:
Host an interview booth
I understand that I will pay $350 for my company's space to have one on one interviews with potential candidates.
Installation Vehicle Competition
Show off your best looking truck for chances to win up to $1000 in Marketing Dollars
Hot Lunch Buffet Provided
NATE training
Tuesday April 4th, various class options.
Please submit registration form by March 22nd.

I would like to receive updates
by email on Lennox VisionTECH (optional)

Payment agreement:* Lennox Dealer Only - Lennox will invoice your account ($80 per person) please make sure you have entered your dealer account number above.

    Your position in company:

Vendors only -- I understand that I will pay $600 for my company's vendor space for two people. Additional persons will be $80 each to attend the event, payable online via credit card or PayPal* or check made out to Lennox.

Vendor only - Free, Additional representative from Vendor $600 registration

Vendor only - I am an additional Vendor registrant and I understand I will pay $80, payable online via credit card or PayPal* or check made out to Lennox

Technical College Instructors - I understand that I will pay $40 to attend VisionTECH, payable online via credit card or PayPal* or check made out to Lennox

    Your title: Technical College Students - I understand that I will pay $40 to attend VisionTECH, payable online via credit card or PayPal* or check made out to Lennox

    When do you graduate college: Lennox Employees only - I understand I will be working at this event *

Speakers only - I understand that I am being brought in to speak on topics for this event *

Military only - Military can attend for FREE (not ex-military attending college or employed by a dealer - please select appropriate payment option)*

High School Teachers, Counselors and Administrators only - attendance is FREE *

    VIP Pass Code: High School Students and Parents of Students only - attendance is FREE *

    VIP Pass Code:

*NOTE: If there is an amount due, clicking CONTINUE will take you to the payment options.